The English Muse: or, A Congratulatory Poem (1702)

The great Elizabeth of old,
Whose mem’ry we are early taught,
To rev’rence for her mighty deeds,
Which every mortal hears, or reads:
When young, by nurses, and by parents told,
What wonders to effect she brought.
At riper years in story we behold,
What glorious events she wrought,
That her surviving fame no mausoleum needs.
When warm divisions plagued the land,
Religious feuds, which are the worst to heal,
She held the reins with so exact a hand,
That she both parties could command;
With such unblemished conduct did she deal,
And those her favours could not win,
Or mercy from their ills restrain,
Such did alone the sword of justice feel.
Thus by her wisdom did she bless the state,
Not only made her self, but England great.

Since once the nation has so happy been,
Beneath the conduct of a maiden queen,
What present hopes must then possess our isle,
When beauty so divinely sweet,
Virtue and piety so great,
Wisdom so clear, and temper serene
Do in one sacred princess meet,
And on our kingdom smile.
A majesty whose goodness awes
A vicious nation by a virtuous life,
And by her great example draws
Her people to observe those laws,
By God and man designed,
For humane good, as by their use we find.